Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Our windowsill garden

I was cutting up celery for my lunch last week and decided to try and regrow it. As a child, I loved growing things on the kitchen windowsill. I remember growing carrot tops, avocado, sweet potato and even orange seeds! One orange seed grew into a small bush I had for many years but I never did get any oranges!
Have you ever grown plants on your windowsill? Tell us about it in the comments below. I will add pictures of our windowsill garden as it expands! 

We are going to overwinter this geranium plant on our windowsill.  I wonder how long the bloom will last?

1 comment:

Mrs. Mathieson said...

Wow!! I am surprised it happened so fast! I really like your window means you don't have to wait until SPRING! Maybe we will try it in our library too!